Theatrical excursion in Smalininki. Get to know Lithuania Minor

Travel itinerary

“Get to know Little Lithuania better”

The first stop is the Martynas Jankaus Museum in Bitėnai.

Martynas Jankus -Minor Lithuanian public figure, publicist, printer, one of the publishers of Aušra, chairman of the Chief Rescue Committee of Lithuania Minor and representative in the Council of State, and a signer of the Act of Tilžė. The M. Jankus Museum collects material related to the life and activities of prominent people of this region, such as Vydūnas, Mackus, E. Jagomastas and others. Two halls are dedicated to the museum exposition: the small one, which used to be a type foundry when the printing house was in operation, and the large one, which is devoted to the machine department. The museum’s garden with an open-air art exhibition is very interesting and beautiful.

A tour from Tilžės to Ragaine.

During this excursion, we will visit one of the most beautiful and memorable places in Lithuania Minor. The first one is the Bitėnai White Stork Colony Sanctuary. Here we will learn about the peculiarities of this place, hear interesting stories about the storks and their life.We will also visit the grave of Vydūnas in Bitėnai. Vilhelmas Storosta (nickname Vydūnas) was a famous philosopher, writer, publicist and cultural figure, and when you visit his grave you will hear more stories about his life and death.

Next stop – Rambynas Hill. Rambynas Hill is a constant attraction for travellers. It offers a spectacular view of the Nemunas and the other side of the river, with panoramas of the cities of Tilžės and Ragainiai. It is believed to be the site of one of the most important shrines of the Hound tribe. Today, only the remaining foot of the mound is called Rambynas Hill.

Later, we will go to Mociškės palivarkas, where we will enjoy Lithuanian dishes such as shiupinis, štrudelis, kafija, and listen to interesting stories about the peculiarities and traditions of Lithuanian diet.

We will continue our journey to Smalininkai, where we will enjoy a theatrical excursion “Smalininkai – the eternal border”. Here you may encounter unexpected twists and turns in your journey: encounters with border officials. Don’t carry contraband! Smalininkai is a town of incomparable beauty, located on the right bank of the Nemunas River, and the largest oak alley in Lithuania. This town is special not only for its enchanting views, but also for its history, which we will hear during a theatrical excursion!

We will go home full of excitement and new knowledge, but we will not forget to bring the good emotions back home as well, and we plan to arrive back at around….h.

Ačiū, kad keliaujate ir renkatės mus!

Notes: 18 Eur for additional attractions (M. Jankus Museum/Sadelis, theatrical excursion in Smalininki, lunch in Mociškės palivarkas).

Theatrical excursion at the border (2-hour excursion) – price: 8 Eur/person


Registration and information: / +370 679 02200
The program is flexible for groups.
© The program may not be copied or used for commercial purposes without the author’s permission.

Tour operator UAB JND

Certificate No 16407 issued by the State Department of Tourism under the Ministry of Economy. Guarantee of Swedbank. No. 20-046812-GM.

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