Poland: Vilanow, Lublin, Zakopane, Zamoste

Travel itinerary

1 day. Depart for Poland. Visit the Vilanow Palace and Park (near Warsaw). When your eyes miss the masterpieces of Italian architecture, you can find it in the former lands of the Two Nations Republic. The most prominent palaces, fortresses and castles were built by the nobility to reinforce their spheres of influence and to decorate the tribe’s domains. One of them is the Vilanova Palace of John III Sobieski, Hetman of the GDL and King of Poland. Many places in Italy are dedicated to Sobieski: in Rome, Padua, etc. It was King John III Sobieski who moved the country’s capital from Krakow to Warsaw, transforming this small trading centre into the largest empire of the European Renaissance. And the Vilanow Palace stands in Warsaw’s neighbourhood. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 2. Breakfast. A tour of the Old Town of Lublin: the defensive walls of the city, the Royal Tribunal Palace and the main square, the Dominican Church, the Cathedral, the monument to the Union of Lublin in Lithuania Square, and the Kraków Gate, which offers a magnificent view of the Old Town. We will visit the royal residence, the magnificent Lublin Castle. If possible, we will visit the Holy Trinity Chapel*, commissioned by Prince Jogaila. It was here that the Union of Lublin was signed in 1569, which was a major breakthrough in the unification of Lithuania and Poland. Depart for an overnight stay in Zakopane. It is situated in a valley in the Tatra Mountains.

Day 3. Breakfast. Walk along the most picturesque resort street in Poland’s highest city above sea level. Here we will see the everyday life of the local mountain inhabitants and the variety of architectural styles. We’ll take a ferry* up to Gubalowka, the highest settlement in Poland, where we’ll admire the mountain panorama. In our free time, we will have the opportunity to visit the national market of the Guliai (Highlanders). Free time and overnight at the hotel.

Day 4. Breakfast. We will take a ferry to the peaks of Nosal and Kasprowy Wierch. From the top of Nosal, you will have an unforgettable view of Kotlina Zakopiańska, Dolina Bystra, Kuźnica. “Kasprowy Wierch is in a special position because one foot is in Poland and the other in Slovakia. The whole day will be devoted to enjoying the mountains and beautiful views. Free evening. A nice typical Polish dinner. Overnight.

Day 5. Breakfast. We head to the Renaissance city of Zamoste, a city of extraordinary beauty, designed by the Italian architect Bernardo Morando according to the concept of the “ideal city”. The city has retained its original plan and the defensive fortifications that protect it. A tour of the old town: a square surrounded by coloured stone houses that belonged to merchants in ancient times. We will visit the Town Hall, which has preserved its magnificent Renaissance interior with many sculptures and valuable paintings; the Church of St. Thomas, where the founders of the city, the Zamojskis, are buried; and the buildings of the defence system. Free time. Return to Lithuania.


Extra charges: single room (on request), local guides (Wilanow Palace and Park, Lublin, Zamosc, Zakopane), lunches and dinners, tickets for paid attractions.


Registration and information: info@jnd.lt / +370 679 02200
The program is flexible for groups.
© The program may not be copied or used for commercial purposes without the author’s permission.

Tour operator UAB JND

Certificate No 16407 issued by the State Department of Tourism under the Ministry of Economy. Guarantee of Swedbank. No. 20-046812-GM.

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